Friday, March 2, 2012

BK - Dating Approach

I really like the idea of calling cards. I was attracted to the example shown about the guy's hair. I feel like I could use this approach in my business cards later on too. I first started thinking about how people are connected and how people start to date/have a relationship. Sometimes, it's at a bar where a random guy comes up to you and you pray he's not going to stalk you home (just kidding). Or sometimes you meet through friends. For some, they meet through the Internet. I also thought about the many ways that people can contact you or find you now - phone number, email, old fashioned snail mail, Facebook, etc. And how people contact you different ways depending on how well you know someone or because of a specific purpose. For example, a recruiter will contact me through LinkedIn with a job offer, not through Tumblr. Likewise, guys can use any of these outlets to connect with girls. They may see a photo of a pretty girl and contact her on Facebook. Maybe he likes the same sort of blogs as a girl on Tumblr. So I decided to create calling cards that pinpoint a certain quality I like in a guy and based on that quality, he should reach me through a certain outlet. In order for this to make sense.....

If you are social and generally liked by everyone, contact me at:
If you are culturally informed and a copywrite creative, contact me at: #beccakang
If you are career driven and want to be successful, contact me at:
If you are considerate and want to write (not type) me a letter, contact me at: (my address) (for safety issues, not going to post that on the web...)
If you are fashion forward and confident, contact me at:
If you like to travel and collect, contact me at:

So one side would have the above type and I would complement the other side with geometric designs. I want them to look somewhat professional. I also think I may add one word to the design side.. such as (social) but I'm still debating.

The purpose of these calling cards would be that if we have a mutual interest or quality, then it would be appropriate to contact me. And this also speaks to the many outlets of communication that are available to people today. It's best to utilize each outlet for a specific purpose -- that's why they have become so popular. Also, it speaks to how dating used to be more face-to-face, but now people can be connected through the web without ever really physically being together. I guess you could debate if this is good or bad for any relationship.

This is what I have so far, still working on it. But this is the general idea. I showed them as spreads to show what would be on the front (illustration) and then the back (contact info). I think I'm set on the copy, just looking to play around more with the illustrations. I just want them all to be somewhat abstract and emanate the nature of which social media network I'm talking about. Also unsure if I should keep the back part (contact info) one solid color or different hues or just white. 

1 comment:

  1. def keep the tones that you got for the back. good abstractions too. really feelin the tumblr and the linkdn ones.

    the only one you might wanna change is the address one, but that one seems to be compressed weird or something too. idk. maybe change the tone of the orange a lil bit or make the bottom font pure white to pop out more
