Thursday, March 15, 2012

RSP Identity Final

For this assignment, I went through about five different concepts and ended up scrapping them all for better or worse. It got to the point where I was completely over-thinking it, and my ideas were just too complicated to realize in the time I had. Additionally, I think the requirement of creating four separate, consecutive images overwhelmed me. So, the only way for me to solve the problem was to keep it as simple as possible. This was a difficult concession for me to make, because when I do something excessively minimal it feels like I didn't do any work and people are going to call me out on it. This need to be complicated is my greatest weakness but also my greatest strength, in a way. In any case, I ended up doing four typographical designs based around sentences expressing my internal need to please people with my design work. I made an effort to be as consistent as possible with the type, colors, and recurring motifs in order to keep everything tied together. I thought about adding simple shapes to the design, but that quickly led me down the path of wanting to complicate it again, so I suppressed that urge. Perhaps the final message is too complicated for the sake of consistency with the series, but I wanted to include it because it is an important part of the overarching idea to me.

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