Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dre Sanchez - Identity Project complete

Finished IDENTITY Book Project (8.5 x 8.5 covers; 8.5 x 17 spreads):


Identity Project

My name is Andres “Dre” Sanchez. This project is entitled: Identity. It was finally finished on the 2nd day of March, 2012, and printed and bound two days later for presentation (hopefully March 4th, 2012). Materials used included Pencil/Paper/Grid Paper (initial layout), Prismacolor Markers/Pentel Brush Pen/Fine Point Sharpie Pens/Index Cards (initial illustrations), Photoshop/Kuler (initial mood boards), Illustrator (Vector/Coloring), Indesign (Layout/Typography). It is meant to be seen in spreads in RGB mode on the computer screen or as a book in print CMYK form. The project looks at the identities that I associate with in an autobiographical/narrative format. The underlying structure used is mainly the spread format that McLuhan-Fiore created in their books. There is also a geometric quality to the structure of the individual page layouts and illustrations.

As the creator, this work examines four particular identities that have impacted my life: creativity, anxiety, loyalty and realist. Originally, I was aiming for a project depicting no identity because I was having troubles narrowing myself down to a certain identity since I believe we all are composed of a variety of things and not just a label/stereotype. Luckily I was able to narrow it down and combine things into four categories (four seasons, four heads on Mt. Rushmore, 2 arms/2 legs, etc.) that create a whole. Because of this, my work stands out because most people chose to focus on one particular idea (their ethnicity, their hobbies like ballet, their interests like music, sexual identity and so on). Also because I used organic illustrations by hand and a color scheme that identifies with my life (the color blue represents all the sadness I’ve endured; the color yellow resembles a light source; the illustration I made that influenced this choice was the beach shot because of the dark skies and waters and yellow sand). I know Alex was aiming for a book format similar to mine, so I would say his work closest resembles what I was trying to achieve. In terms of designers I looked at, I would say my trip to the V.S.A. design firm allowed me to absorb modern design layout. I used a design world standard of Helvetica, although I wanted to use Franklin Gothic (I didn’t have this installed on my system though). I also was influenced by the books by McLuhan-Fiore. With V.S.A. and the McLuhan-Fiore samples, they used photography. Since I am not a capable photographer, I opted for detailed illustrations that bear similarities to the cross-hatched pen work of Robert Crumb. The events that shaped my approach are all included in the copy of the book.

My purpose with this project is to show people that may know my exterior happy self an idea of the experiences and troubles that I went through growing up. I feel we can all relate to things like anxiety, for instance. I also used this project for a personal way to unleash a lot of pent up emotion over events that have immensely affected the way I live. Today I am a more confident person so sharing these things bluntly does not bother me. Hopefully the audience can look at my situation and say, “Jeez, at least I still have a full head of hair.” Ha. Seriously though, I just wanted to share experiences and let the audience take it or leave it. Sometimes when artists do this, they put some pious, holier-than-thou quality to it. Not me, I need no sympathy and people do not need to be inspired or moved by my openness. If they are, then great. I just wanted to be real and honest. I think personally this project succeeds in showing all the things that go through my skull when designing. It’s a deep, complex process - just like our native thoughts. Capturing that is always difficult. I also wanted to create something aesthetically that I found to be proud of, in terms of something professional. I did not want to use excuses like “I didn’t execute my vision because of software/time/etc.” Me submitting this project late is a testament to me wanting this working to be as authentic as possible to who I am on the inside.

Non-Spread Version 8.5 x 8.5:

Original Copy:

“Creativity... is just connecting things.”

- Steve Jobs

In 1985, I was born in Chicago, Illinois to Hispanic parents. My father came from Mexico City, Mexico and was a man of science and reason. My mother - a woman of faith and the arts - hailed from Quito, Ecuardor.

Though I was raised a proud Latino, I was never accepted by other Latin-Americans because of my fair skin and mixed heritage. I also did not keep many childhood friends, as I moved to South Florida in 1996.

However, I always identified with my creativity. As a youth, I read books and drew whenever I could. I never had trouble finding inspiration, especially from music and film.

My father showed me Pink Floyd, the Doors and Jimi Hendrix. My mother brought Curtis Mayfield, Al Green and Isaac Hayes into my ears. Personally, I loved old hip hop from all regions - from New York’s Cormega to Houston’s U.G.K. to Los Angeles’ 2pac.

Films by Kurosawa, Scorsese and De Palma had a profound impact on me visually, as did the lunacy of Tex Avery and Bob Clampett’s cartoons.

I identify with anxiety. Throughout my life, stress always seems to find a way to invade my mind.

“Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity.”

- T. S. Eliot

As a child, I was bilingual. However, experiences of discrimination in the school system led me to loathe my last name and stop speaking Spanish. It tormented me. Being a Latino seems to be okay now, but I never felt that. I wish I was stronger back then.

When I got a little older, I was made fun of because of my weight. Sometimes I was too chubby, other times I was too fit or even too skinny. I could never keep a constant ground. It was worse when I started to lose my hair. I was turned down by a lot of girls because of it and hid nonchalantly behind a cap.

Eventually I got over it, but I still worry over things that cannot be changed.

Anxiety even haunts me when I work. I often get lauded for my generation of ideas, but it is a deep flaw of mine. I waste a lot of time over indecisiveness. I constantly throw things out and have trouble internalizing accomplishments.

Today, I try to stay challenged because it creates balance. So I embrace stress.

“Betrayal put Christ in a grave.”

- Cormega

I also identify with loyalty because I make a hard effort to practice it everyday. I believe that it is something that must be earned and never just given.

On a superficial level, I bleed navy and orange - meaning my devotion is strong to the Chicago Bears. The same applies to Chicago sports in general.

I also value animals over most human companionship. All I know is my basset hound, Hamlet, is more authentic than most people I know. I cannot respect folks that fold under pressure at the drop of a dime.

That said, there are many friendships I have cherished over the years. Living in South Florida, I grew to trust a select group of people. Some of them might indulge in vices not approved by society, but they at least were real and frank. Perhaps it was a reason why I wanted to be a lawyer initially - to help those that helped me.

In the end, I had to escape Florida for my future. However, I still keep in touch with the bonds I made from back in the day. I just wish my best friend, Danny, was still around to talk to.

“There’s no such thing as simple. Simple is ...hard.”

- Martin Scorsese

Perhaps the identity I associate myself with most is that of a realist. Though I am a big dreamer, I always take time to weigh the reality of these goals.

There was a time when I thought I was destined to help others as a lawyer. I studied four years at Florida Atlantic University, double majoring in political science and criminal justice. I got a minor in psychology in that same time.

When I moved back to Chicago in late 2009, I still believed in lawyering but I quickly found out that dream was not mine. I had to retool myself towards a life that would be worth the stress.

My love for the technical aspects of cinema led me to DePaul University. Through hard work and intuition, I was able to excel and improve my visual skills. By integrating myself in design and animation courses, I was learning new things I did not think I could do.

Sometimes I see students complain about what they are not learning. I feel different. No one is going to hold my hand in the life I want, so it is up to me put myself in a position to succeed. Then I can make my dreams a reality.

Original 8.5x11 (and 8.5x22) Illustrations: Vectored + Colored.

1 comment:

  1. The amount of work you've put in is pretty amazing. I'd really love to see this printed! The consistent color scheme is really effective. It looks a little "police/detective", which actually works -- it's like uncovering the mysteries of your history! Haha, anyway great work! :)
