Monday, March 5, 2012

Dating Identity - Kathie Trela

I am not 100% sure what I am doing for the Dating Identity project, but I was thinking about doing some kind of interactive piece, in which there will be a series of questions and each question would have 3 possible answers. Whichever answer you chose, it will direct you to another question like you were on a date with me or something. Or I might be like the Cosmo quiz, where each answer gets you points and at the end, you will count up your points to see what category of mine you fit into. Maybe it could look like the "Are you a good flirt?" quiz that I posted from Seventeen magazine, where there will be arrows pointing you to another question. I am pretty lost right now, but I know I want to do some kind of interactive piece that is like a game in which you are on a date with me or something. I was also thinking of making a booklet where if you answer this question, it might say "go to page 5" or something. That seems like a lot of work so I might just do the point system, where a certain amount of points will you perfect match, another one will make you a friend, and another one will be for not being a match. Yeah, it is very confusing.

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