Thursday, March 1, 2012

Identity Final - Becky Holloman

This piece is entitled “Family Values” and was created by me, Becky Holloman. It consists of 4 individual pieces each measuring at 8 inches by 16 inches. The pieces were created using Adobe Photoshop and feature a 4 nearly monochromatic (blue, green, purple, yellow) color schemes, one for each piece. These pieces were created over a period of a few weeks but most of the process work and the finals were created from February 21 through February 29.
The medium of this design is a digital projection that will also be a print at a later date. The subject of this piece is my personal identity and how I believe major parts of my identity come from my family. This piece is geometric because of the grid I used to layout my images and text.
This work relates to me because it is about my identity and my family. It is about values and lessons that I have learned from my family members.
I had a hard time with this project, I think mostly because it was a shorter amount of time and a much deeper subject compared to our Worst Job project. I struggled selecting an idea because neither my family nor I really associate our identities with ethnicities, cultures or religions, which were the main prompts given. I finally started thinking about if those subjects don’t identify me, what does? I came up with the idea of using values that I have learned from my family members because I feel that these ideas are lessons that I have learned from my family and have taken as part of my identity.

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