Thursday, January 5, 2012


The Deconstructionist art style can be described by twisted geometries, centerless plans, and shards of glass and metal. In a way it can be seen as messy yet a thought provoking art style which in turn can be pretty interesting. As it stated in the book in the 90’s deconstructionism was described as a work that focused more on complexity rather than simplicity and dramatized the formal possibilities of production. Derrida’s “quasi-detachment” states that parerga serves to hide and reveal the emptiness at the core of the seemingly autonomous object. As stated earlier, the way I interpret this is by having a mess that makes sense. It became clear to me that this style has many different aspects in it in order to make up one piece of work. And if one looks at a single piece in the whole art form it might not make sense and seem out of place by itself. But when put together with other pieces it starts to make sense and does not seem so out of place. From the reading and how I interpret it the picture I chose to describe deconstructionism is shown above. The picture shows an F1 car that is completely taken apart, and each piece is in its own space and hanging from its own string. Which if one looks at a single object it might not make to much sense or have a purpose at all. But when all the little pieces come together it creates a work of art, which in this case is a car, that when put together it runs.

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