Before reading this chapter, I was not familiar with The Medium is the Massage or Quentin Fiore. I found the background information on how the book got started, what it was about and the issues they had trying to publish it in the beginning were very interesting. The information about all the reasons why publishing companies did not want to take on this book as part of their library was cool to read about as well. For companies to tell Fiore that there needed to be more words, all set well, that it needed a preface and a table of contents and especially “that truly serious books should bulk at least an inch and three quarters” (94) was fascinating for me. To have all of these nonsensical reasons for turning something down just because it is different and it breaks the norm that at the time these publishers would not go near a risky project. It is fantastic that the book did so phenomenally well after it finally did get published because it just proves that you do not have to conform to what already exists in order to be ‘right.’
I chose this image from the book simply because for me it was the one of the scans that really got my attention and that I thought was really interesting.
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