Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Worst Job Round Two


  1. I think the second version of "Be Transparent" works better than the first one. I like how simple it is and I feel like it gets the point across without the extra text. One thing I would change on that piece is to take out the book in the bottom right corner. It is too bright and takes the attention away from the rest of the piece.

  2. I also like the second version of be transparent more, but I do like the text communicates. I'm not sure if the 1's and 0's are contributing all that much besides a wallpaper so I might consider taking that text that is currently in the foreground and using it as the background "wallpaper" instead.

    Also, I agree with Paul that I think the book is distracting because of it's color but I do think it helps communicate the point that your boss was a bit of a dunce. I'm not sure what would help integrate it better into the piece.

  3. I think that I like the concept of your last two designs better then the first because it caters to a specific aspect of your job (the boss)so I would say explore these ideas more. I also agree that the book is distracting, but as suggesting in class, think you should work with certain elements for the book such as color and type and integrate those into your overall design

  4. The first one is the one that intitially strikes me as being the most effective. However, it is a bit overwhelming with how much factual information you have displayed. Maybe try focus your efforts on one of the statistics and taking it even further. I think the most potential is in Hourly Wage vs. Job Interest.
