Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Massaging the Message

I never heard of The Medium is the Message or graphic designer Quentin Fiore so reading this was quite fascinating. It was cool for Fiore to think out of the ordinary and play around with the set-up of his book. I am amazed that his book was successful; thus, readers and viewers were also intrigued by his book. Some of the aspects that Fiore did was he played around with the space of the book like utilizing the scale and foldings as part of the content and bleeding images from one spread to another spread at a smaller scale. It’s good to see he used unity in his book. Anyways, he promoted the pictures to be read distinctively by means of the scale and juxtaposition to other pictures and text. In addition, he disregarded the traditional hierarchy of an image and a small caption under it. Fiore was even attacked by publishers for having a small amount of words per page and for not having a table of contents or a preface. This book was quite revolutionary and an icon for some people as Fiore said. It was a graphic expression and he used images instead of words. It is interesting that Pop Art was an inspiration, in which he repeated images and text in order to give the effect of the mass media. Also, I didn’t pay attention to the title The Medium is the Message, which can be said as giving attention to form, instead of content. Therefore, Fiore was a rebel for being the author, editor, designer, and producer for his innovative book.

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