Thursday, February 23, 2012

Identity Project Idea-Jenn

My idea for this project is going to be based on pageants. Something that is a big part of my life that I put a lot of time and energy into. I want to do eight panels of a more or less before and after shots. The left side I want to include images of me and how I look, act, and am on a daily basis. My everyday clothes, shoes, personality, etc. On the right side however I want to portray images of my pageant life. More perfected, glitz, glam, etc.

For example. I want one of my stills to be of my feet. The left side I might have an image of my legs and my feet wearing everyday shoes or boots. Casual look. On the right side I want to include an image of my legs and my feet in high glitz heels.

So I want to do 8 different panels or stills of each of these shots. I do not know if I will include words, or any text. Any input anyone?

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