Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Norma Macias-Identity Project

  • Both my mom and dad are Mexican
  • Our family follows the Catholic tradition.
  • Holidays/Events: Birthdays (Quinceaneras), Christmas, El Dia De Los Tres Reyes Magos (Three Kings Day), Thanksgiving, Easter, Baptisms, Communion
  • I identify with the aforementioned except religious wise I find myself to be agnostic.
  • My immediate family to my knowledge has not been victimized. Yet, I know several relatives who have been discriminated against due to appearances (mexican =wet back, thugs) and language barriers (ignorant).
  • I do have several friends who cross gender (homosexual) , racial (hispanic,middle eastern, african american) , and religious (muslim) barriers.
I'm not entirely sure what I would like to work on at the moment. I was thinking of focusing more on my gender.

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