Sunday, February 12, 2012

Project 2 - Kathie Trela

Ethnicity: 100% Polish, both parents immigrated from Poland in the 80's.

Religious affiliations: Roman Catholic

I still identify myself as a Catholic, but I do disagree with some of their rules and views. My parents want me to continue Catholicism in the family, but I can think for myself.

Holidays: Wigilia (Polish Christmas Eve), Christmas, Holy Thursday, Holy Friday, Easter, Name's Day, All Saints Day, Ash Wednesday, Fat Tuesday, and a lot of Polish religious holidays

I identify myself as a Polish-American that goes to church and I celebrate all those holidays.

Some tensions are that I grew in a Polish household in the United States. Polish was my first language. I pretty much only eat Polish foods and listened to Polish music. It was hard for me to go to Kindergarten because I could not read or speak well in English. I went to special classes because I could not pronounce "th", "ch", or "sh." But now I am forgetting Polish and English is taking over.

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