Thursday, February 16, 2012

RSP Identity: Crit 1

I've never really identified with one culture or group in particular. My mother's side of the family is completely Italian, but they are all in Massachusetts and I moved away from there when I was very young, so I wasn't consistently exposed to it enough to truly identify with it. Additionally last name is not Italian which made it more difficult to grab onto and own.

These days I like to sample a little from from everything and everyone. The easiest way for me to talk to someone is to ask them a lot of questions. I am a very curious person and I like to be friends with many different kinds of people. The sketch above is an idea I had for a design to represent this open-mindedness, curiosity, and desire to explore other cultures. If I decide to go this route, I feel that my biggest challenge will be to not make it read as creepy, subversive, or cynical ("eating cultures" etc). That's all I really have right now; I'm still just playing with ideas.

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