Since I was old enough to work I always had a job and a source of income. Even though some jobs were better than others I was thankful enough to have one. When this project asked us to choose the worst job we had I had to sit down and think which job really took the cake. In the early stages I had two jobs in mind; one was my very first job working at a flower shop, and the second was a job I had a few years ago working at a grocery store. After some thought I decided to do this project on my grocery store job because there were many things that I disliked about it. To start off I really could not quit because this was my uncle’s store and he went out of his way to hire me and get me acquainted with everyone. I worked at Essence of Europe part time but within that time period I was in hell. One of the main reasons I hated this job was because it was far away from home which meant I had to commute about an hour to and from work. If being late because of all the morning rush hour was not enough, I then got to walk in and see my “wonderful” boss. Every time the main manager worked it was like I was walking on eggshells all day long because I did not want to do anything to aggravate her. After we finally got the store completely open in the morning that’s when I became miserable. Floods of people would always show up and order food that I really did not want to serve them especially during lunch time. Just like every other establishment that serves food, we had strict rules about prepping and serving food. Even though we had strict rules we always cut corners when my manager was not there. And this escalated when I was closing in on my final day of employment at the store. Because of all the things stated above among others is the reason why in a nut shell this was hell.
For my project I decided to focus on the rules and expectations that came with job over the people that I worked with. To start my project I wanted to really focus on the color scheme that the store had, which consisted of the colors blue, red, and white. Therefore in my final version you can see that I used each of those colors in some way. Focusing on the rules and expectations I wanted to go even further and focus on one rule the store had in general. This rule was that a certain sink had to be used for a certain thing. One sink was used for washing dishes and utensils that the bakers and butchers used, which had its own rules about one part being filled with soapy water, bleach, and warm water. And we had another sink which was supposed to be used to open up packages of meat and drain the excess fluid from them before we brought them out to cut for the customers. Well when we were short staffed and in the middle of rush hour at the grocery store corners had to be cut. We opened up packages of meat and drained the juices in the washing sink because it was closer to the deli and a lot more efficient. This however did not sit well with our manager which in turned pissed her off and we were reported. Even after the slap on the wrist from my uncle we did not stop and continued to work this way when she was not there or when we wanted to stick it to the man. Therefore in this project I wanted to create typical warning signs that a person would find in an establishment that serves food and some signs that we had in the store. To further this, I wanted each warning sign to escalate in bad sanitation and be more disgusting than the previous. On top of the warning signs I also put some bio-hazard signs to push the point of hazard about the short cuts we took. I also added one big bio-hazard sign behind the warning signs to make it seem like one big disgusting mess. Hope you enjoy the project.
The store always passed sanitation standards and this project was an exaggeration of what really happened. We never were as disgusting as the signs say we were.
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